Another great mini college is in
for next year’s:  June 2-4, 2025

Mini College consists of three days of lectures on the Lawrence campus by some of KU’s best educators, plus other special events. It’s open to all adults.  This year we met in Slawson Hall — a great venue for us in a two-year-old building — and heard some great lectures, got reacquainted with old friends, and even went on some tours. The lectures drew rave reviews, and we had almost 90 attendees.

Again in 2024 we worked in partnership with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and KU’s Lifelong & Professional Education office.  Both were an immense help to us.


To view a list of this year’s presentations, click on the 2024 Schedule tab at the top of the page. Links to videos of the presentations will be sent to all paid registrants in a few weeks.   Photos of this year’s Mini College are here or on the Photos tab above.

For the latest Mini College news, check back here or on our Facebook page.  And don’t forget that Mini College needs your financial help.  We have now achieved the necessary $25,000 in donations to create an endowment fund that will help ensure the future of our unique organization. Now we need to make the fund grow so that we can rely on interest money each year to support our activities. Go here or click on the Endowment tab above to learn more and to contribute.